Monday, November 16, 2009

Jesus Loves the Little Children

That song has been in my head all weekend. I had a rough start for the weekend. I lead a Bible club for about 25 children at a local urban school. I love the kids. I love teaching the kids. I've been doing this for almost 20 years and I haven't tired of it yet.

At the end of club I walked them out to the front door entrance, laid hands on them and blessed them. I stood at the door as a mother hen until all the little chicks start walking or get picked up by a parent. One mom came back to tell me about her son. They found out that week that a male relative had been raping him since July. I immediately laid hands on him and prayed, "Jesus heal you from the inside out."

I walked away devastated. I cried all the way home and cried some more when I got home. I cried not only for this little boy but for others in that school that we don't even know about. I cried for the little girl whose mom sold her into sexual slavery down in North Carolina. And then I cried out to God. WHY?????

I heard someone say on the radio this past week that we don't act on our emotions but we must emotionally respond to action. I have pondering that all weekend. How do I emotionally respond in action. I am meditating on that and on God's Word. I will let you know what He tells me. Stay tuned!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why the name?

Actions not words!